362 THE ESSEX NATURALIST is an area of varied and interesting geology including the London Clay with its outliers of Claygate and Bagshot Beds on hills cap- ped by glacial gravels. To the north the London Clay is covered by the Chalky Boulder Clay which marks the southernmost limit of the Glaciation in this part of Essex. The soils in this area not only differ as to their geological parent material but also accord- ing to the degree of drainage and leaching they show. 29 such soil series are shown on the map legend, a soil series being de- fined as a group of soils with similar profiles formed in lithologic- ally similar parent materials. Also published for the same area are a Soil Drainage map which groups the soils according to the drainage they show, and a Land Use Capability Map which groups soils according to their capability and adaptability for agricultural crops. The record accompanying these maps describes the soils in full and also explains the terminology and the methods of mapping. But the record is also valuable as a source of reference for the area. As well as the soils description it contains an account of the map areas including its physiology, climate, landscape development and geology. This being followed by an introduction to Soil Classification and Soil Mapping. The detailed description of the soils is according to the position in the landscape, thus soils on plateau sites are differentiated from those on plateau margins and again from the soils of footslopes and valley floors. There is a section on Agriculture and on land drainage, this last including a brief account of the history of land drainage. Numerous tables list meteorlogical data and also data of agri- cultural significance such as potential transpiration and soils moisture deficit. Text figures include rainfall and soil parent materials and also a series of block diagrams showing pictorially the relationship of the soil types to the landscape. Currently being prepared are the maps and record of the area around Burnham on Crouch being sheet TO 99 of the Ordnance Survey. This includes areas of brickearth and alluvium of the now drained Essex Marshes and islands. Currently being sur- veyed is an area to the east of Colchester (TM 12) and also parts of TL 71 to the north of Chelmsford. The publications mentioned above and other published sur- veys of England and Wales may be obtained from the Soil Survey of England and Wales at Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpendon, Herts., where additional information on the soils may be obtained. References Soils of the Saffron Waldon District by A. J. Thomasson. Special Survey No. 2. 1969. Price 55p with map or 25p without map. Soils in Essex 1. by R. G. Sturdy. Soil Survey Record No. 7. 1971. Price £1.25 with three maps or 50p without maps Individual maps 25p each.