Report of the Council of The Essex Field Club 1970
The council of the Club met five times during the year and
reports another year of steady progress which will be remem-
bered by many for the success of certain of the outdoor meetings.
At the Annual General Meeting Mr P. W. Glassborow was
elected to the office of President in place of Mr R. Masefield and
Mr A. Snelling was elected Honorary Treasurer in place of Mr
Glassborow. Mr R. H. Allen joined the council as Honorary Se-
cretary. Mr E. Pinniger was elected Editor and Messrs J. Toll-
free and E. Hooper were co-opted onto the council.
Mr P. W. Glassborow and Mr R. Coates were nominated by
council to be the Club's representatives on the Board of Con-
venors of the Passmore Edwards Museum.
Total membership on the 31st December 1970 was 307 re-
presenting an increase of 21 on the total of 286 of the previous
year. This more than makes good the decrease of the preceeding
year and it is hoped that the trend continues.
A total of 42 meetings were held during the year which may
be tabulated as follows:—
General Meetings including the Annual General Meeting
—At West Ham—4; at High Beach—1; in the field—6.
Group Annual Meetings — 3
Group Annual Dinners — 1
Informal Meetings — 27
The informal meetings may be divided as follows: —
Botany — 7
Geology — 6
Ornithology — 9
Mammalogy — 4
Conservation — 1
Of these three were joint meetings with other societies.
Of the more successful meetings may be mentioned the fol-
lowing; The AGM of the Geology Group where Mr R. Coates was
presented with an engraved tankard to commemorate his ten
years of outstanding service to the group. Also very well at-
tended was the Geology Group Weekend held in Swanage.