INDEX i INDEX TO VOLUME 32 A Adams, K. J. & J. M. Progress towards a Contemporary Bryophyte Flora of Essex............................................. 207 Adams, K. J. & J. M. Grid Reference Gazeteer to Essex Place Names and Localities mentioned in the Flora .................... 143 Allen, R. H. Soil Survey of England and Wales, Essex ............ 361 Allen, R. H. & Cow in, R. A. D. The Badger in relation to the Geo- logy of South West Essex .................................. 307 An Excavation of a Badger Sett in Southend. Cowlin, R. A. D..... 70 A Short Report of Three Human Burials found at Great Chester- ford. Hooper, B............................................. 341 Anisopodidae .................................................... 217 Annual Report. 1966. 1967, 196S, 1969, 1970 ...... 75, 196, 247, 303, 363 Apology, Presidential Address, 1P70 .............................. 348 Arachnida ...................................................... 35 Arthropoda ..................................................... 25 Ascomycetes ...................................................... 331 Austropotambius pallipes ....................................... 349 B Badger..................................................... 70, 240, 307 Badger in relation to the Geology of South West Essex. Allen, R. H. & Cowlin, R. A. D.......................................... 307 Badger Sett Distribution .......................................... 310 Baker, Colin A. Contribution to Glacial Stratigraphy in West Essex 317 Bank Vole ........................................................ 238 Barnes, Dr. R. S. K. & Coughlan, J. A Survey of the Bottom Fauna of the Blackwater Estuary .................................. 263 Basidiomycetes .................................................. 277 Bats ........................................................ 69, 239 Batty, A. & Cowlin. R. A. D. Notes of Essex Badger Mortalities .... 240 Bird Notes, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969....................... 72, 177, 233, 301 Boardman, Doreen J. Fungi of Epping Forest, Part 1. Basidio- mycetes ................................................. 277 Book Notices, ............................................ 77, 199, 252 Botany Group Annual Report, 1968................................ 251 Boyden, C. R Ecology of the Cockle .............................. 223 Brown Hare .................................................... 67, 237 Brown Rat ...................................................... 68, 238 Bryophyte Flora of Essex. Pettifer, A. J......................... 83 Bryophyte Flora of Essex Corrigenda. Pettifer, A. ,T............. 221