ii INDEX C Capreolus capreolus .............................................. 314 Census of Essex Rookeries. 1966. Parker, M. T..................... 174 Cervus elaphus .................................................. 313 Cervus nippon .................................................... 314 Chaetagnatha .................................................. 50 Chapman, Donald I. Notes on the Mites (Acari) of Essex ........ 61 Chapman, Donald I. Occurrence of a White Stoat in Essex ........ 64 Chordata ..................................................... 54 Clavicipitales .................................................... 335 Clutton, Sir George. Gardeners of the Eighth Lord Petrie ...... 201 Common Seal .................................................. 67. 237 Common Shrew ................................................ 66, 230 Contribution to Glacial Stratigraphy of West Essex ................ 317 Corke, D. Notes of Butterflies of Hawkswood ...................... 156 Cowlin. A. A. D. An Excavation of a Badger Sett in Southend . . 70 Coypu ............................................................ 239 Crayfish ........................................................ 349 Crustacea ...................................................... 349 D Dama dama ........................................................ 314 Davies, D. S. The Marine Fauna of the Blackwater Estuary and Adjacent Waters .......................................... 2 Deer in Essex .................................................... 313 Diptera............................................ 161, 216, 300, 360 Dormouse .......................... ........................... 68. 238 E Eastcott, B. M. Deer in Essex .................................... 313 Echinodermata .................................................... 51 Ecology of the Cockle (Cardium glaucum) Boyden, CR........... 223 Editorial ........................................................ 1 Essex Crane Flies. Payne, R. M................................. 216 Essex Diptera, an appeal for records. Payne. R. M............... 300 Euascomycetes ............................ .................... 332 F Fallow Deer ...................................................... 314 Field Vole ........................................................ 238 Fox ............................................................ 237. 66 French, W. J. Pleistocene deposits at Billericay, Essex.............. 163 Friedlein, J. T. Notes on Birds of North Fambridge................ 242 Fungi of Epping Forest, Part 1. Boardman, D. J................... 277 Fungi of Epping Forest, Part 2. Wilberforce, P................... 331 Fungi of Epping Forest, Part 3. Ward, B. T....................... 337 Future of Deer in Essex .......................................... 315