iv INDEX Mole .......................................................... 66, 236 Mollusca ........................................................ 36 Muntiacus reevesi ................................................ 315 Muntjac ........................................................ 315 Musci .......................................................... 100, 211 Mycetozoa ........................................................ 337 Mycological Report. 19C6 ............ 74, 1967/8 ............ 222 Myxomycetes .................................................... 337 N Nemathelminthes ................................................ 19 Nemertini......................................................... 20 Nomenclature, Bionomics & Distribution of the Crayfish (Austro- potambius pallipes) in the British Isles. Thomas, W. & Ingle, Dr R................................................. 349 Notes of Essex Badger Mortalities. Batty, A. & Cowlin, R. A. D. . . 240 Notes on Birds of North Fambridge. Friedlein, J. T............... 242 Notes on Butterflies of Hawkswood. Corke, D................... 156 Notes on Essex Mammals. Scott, D. R. 1965/66 .... 65 1967/68 .... 236 Notes on Mites (Acari) of Essex .................................. 61 O Occurrence of a White Stoat in Essex. Chapman, D. I........... 64 On the Occurrence of the Guppy in the River Lee. Meadows. R. S. 186 Otter .......................................................... 67, 237 P Parker, T. M. Bird Notes 1966 .............. 72 1967 .............. 177 Payne, R. M. Hover Flies in an Essex Garden .................... 161 Payne, R. M. Essex Crane Flies ................................ 216 Payne, R. M. Essex Diptera, an appeal for records ................ 300 Pettifer, A. J. Bryophyte Flora of Essex .......................... 83 Pettifer, A. J. Bryophyte Flora of Essex Corrigenda .............. 221 Pezizales ........................................................ 332 Phacidiales ...................................................... 335 Pigmy Shrew .................................................. 66, 236 Platyhelminthes ................................................ 19 Plectascales ...................................................... 336 Pleistocene deposits at Billericay, Essex. French. W. J........... 163 Ptychopteridae .................................................. 218 Porifera ........................................................ 16 Porpoise ....................................................... 239 Presidential Address. March 1970. Some aspects of Conservation. Masefield, W. R............................................. 255 Progress towards a Contemporary Bryophyte Flora of Essex. Adams, K. J. & J. M....................................... 207 Protozoa ........................................................ 15