THE ESSEX NATURALIST Current Distribution Fig. 1 shows those 1 km. squares where badger setts have been recorded since 1960. Squares with setts that have been fully recorded on National Badger Survey forms are shown by solid symbols and squares with setts reliably reported, but as yet unchecked, are shown by open circle symbols. Older records, or setts that I have been unable to find from the information re- ceived, have been excluded. No attempt has been made to dis- tinguish between active and inactive setts, as this is subject to constant variation and must be the subject of separate study. It should be emphasised that the search for badger setts has not been carried out systematically. The map is thought to show a reasonably accurate picture of detailed distribution in the southern half of the County; the northern half has not been as well covered, and whilst overall, badgers do not seem to be as common here as in the south, it should not be taken that setts do not exist in the northern half of the County, where not shown on the map. Figure 1. Map of 1 km. squares where badger setts have been recorded since 1960 General Summary of Distribution Badgers have been recorded in almost all areas of Essex since 1960, and are only definitely absent from that part of Essex now