14 THE ESSEX NATURALIST lected. For the moment, therefore, no detailed correlation by terraces and biotas between Aveley, Trafalgar Square and Ilford is possible. In their paper on the Ilford site West, Lambert & Sparks (1964, 187) offered no correlation, on the grounds that much further Stratigraphical work is needed to interpret the terraces of the Thames Valley. It is hoped that some of these sites and terraces may be correlated in a projected paper by Dr A. J. Sutcliffe and Mr J. N. Carreck. Summary. The deposits containing the elephants at Aveley appear to have been laid down in a silted-up marsh or river channel, probably of the Thames. The molluscan fauna shows similarities to the Ilford, Ipswich and Trafalgar Square faunas, and in spite of minor differences the molluscs from all four sites do not show criteria permitting stratigraphic separation. From Table 1, it will be seen that the molluscs are most abundant in the middle part of the sequence, especially in H1 and H2, de- creasing in numbers until there is another increase in B2 and B2/C matrix. No molluscs whatever occur in Bl, the "peat" layer with M. primigenius, but the conditions here are too acid for molluscs to be preserved. The abrupt change here from the brown silt with P. antiquus to the overlying peat may well indi- cate a non-sequence. The lack of a good land mollusc fauna, compared to Ilford, Ipswich and Trafalgar Square is particularly striking: this could suggest that the area remained constantly marshy throughout the sequence, with quiet conditions prevail- ing, except for the possible hiatus between the two elephant layers. I would like to thank Dr M. P. Kerney (Department of Geo- logy, Imperial College, London) for help with the literature and Dr A. J. Sutcliffe for valuable discussion on the Aveley and Tra- falgar Square sites and also for critically reading the manuscript. References Blezard, R. G. (1966). Field Meeting at Aveley and West Thurrock. Proc. Geol. Aus., 77: 273-76. Boycott, A. E. (1936). The habitats of Freshwater Mollusca in Britain. J. anim. Ecol., 5: 116-186. Franks. J. W. (1960). Interglacial deposits at Trafalgar Square, London. New Phytol., 59: 145-152. Sparks, B. W. (1964). The Distribution of Non-Marine Mollusca in the Last Interglacial in South-east England. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond., 36: 7-25. Sutcliffe, A. J. (1964). The Mammalian Fauna. In OVEY, C. D. (ed.). The Swanscombe Skull. A Survey of Research on a Pleistocene Site. Royal Anthropological Institute: London. Occasional Memoir No. 20. West. R. G. (1969). Pollen Analyses from Interglacial Deposits at Aveley and Grays, Essex. Proc. Geol. Ass., 80: 271-282. West. R. G., Lambert, C. A. and Sparks, B. W. (1964). Interglacial De- posits at Ilford, Essex. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Ser. B., 247: 185-212 Zeuner, F. E. (1959). The Pleistocene Period. London: Hutchinson.