THE SMALL MAMMALS OF ESSEX 55 S. H. to carry out the trapping study at his Sewardstone nursery. Col. and Mrs P. V. Upton were especially helpful to D. C. during his long-term work on their estate at Coptfold. We wish to thank Miss M. Wise, Mr D. Hunford and Mr H. G. Hurrell for permission to quote from their unpublished work. Mr R. A. D. Cowlin drew the original of the Essex map on which the distribution records are plotted and also assisted greatly by reading and commenting upon earlier drafts of this paper. Mr S. Dalton kindly allowed us to use his photograph which adorns this paper. While the authors of this paper accept joint responsibility for any errors of fact or interpretation contained in it, we wish to point out that the detailed section on Harvest Mice is largely the work of S. H. while the initial preparation of most of the rest of the paper was by D. C. References Adams, L. E. (1913). The Harvest Mouse. Wild Life 2(1): 7-18. Adams, L. E. (1916). The British Shrews. Wild Life 8(6): 175-7. Barrett-Hamilton, G. E. H. (1910-21). History of British Mammals 2: 557. Brewster, R. W. (1966). Hunting behaviour of the water shrew. Essex Nat. 31 : 377-8. Burton, J. A. (1966). The distribution of weasel, stoat, common shrew, roe deer, water shrew and mole in the London area. Lond. Nat. 45: 35-42. Burton, M. (1963). Wild Life Observer and Young Naturalist December p. 10. Chitty, D. and Kempson, D. A. (1949). Prebaiting small mammals and a new design of live trap. Ecology 30: 536-542. Cole, W. (1905). Occurrence of de Winton's mouse in Essex. Essex Not. 13: 294-5. Corbet, G. B. (1964). The identification of British Mammals 46 pp. British Museum (Natural History), London. Corke. D. (1965). Notes on Essex Mammals, 1963-64. Essex Nat. 31: 273-7. Corke, D. (1970). The local distribution of the Yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis). Mammal Review 1: 62-6. Corke, D., Cowlin, R. A. D. and Page, W. W. (1969). Notes on the distribution and abundance of small mammals in south-west Ireland. J. Zool. 158: 216-221. Crowcroft, P. (1957). The Life of the Shrew. 166 pp. London: Reinhardt. Day, J. W. (1956). They Walk The Wild Places. London: Blandford. Fielding, D. C (1966). The identification of. skulls of the two British species of Apodemus. J. Zool. 150: 498-500. Glue, D. E. (1970). Avian predator pellet analysis and the mammalogist. Mammal Review 1: 53-62. Hanney, P. (1962). Observations on the food of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in Southern Nyasaland, with a method of ascertaining population dynamics of rodent prey. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 13, 6: 305-313.