THE SMALL MAMMALS OF ESSEX 57 Appendix 1 Notes: 1. The trappings are listed in chronological order of the first trapping at a par- ticular locality. 2. The traps were set in the afternoon or evening and collected the following day. No period of prebaiting was used. 3. Each trap-site was consigned to one of the following habitat types: A. Urban gardens, allotments or other areas within a 'grey' area on an ordnance (1/4") map. B. Woodland in which the nearest non-woodland habitat was more than 400 m away. C. Any rural habitat within 400 m of arable land. D. Any rural habitat other than B or C. No more precise habitat can be given as the traps were set in as wide a variety of habitats as occurred in the trapping area. 4. In those cases where the exact number of animals caught was not recorded the presence of a species is indicated thus: +. 5. The trappings included in this table are all those carried out by the authors or those which were part of Essex Field Club surveys and meetings. The intensive surveys detailed in table 1 are not included.