REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1971 61 presented with a book in recognition of his long association with the Group. At the Club AGM, Mr Glassborow in his presidential address outlined some of the features of the early history of the Club. The March meeting to Tollesbury was attended by some 54 members and friends while the Geology Group Weekend visit to Derbyshire filled two hotels. In June the Mammal Group held a highly successful mass badger watch followed by a barbecue of old English delicacies. The President's meeting to Bradwell-on- Sea was also well attended as was the visit in August to Skipper's Island. A successful Brains Trust and Natural History Competi- tion was held in Chelmsford and it is hoped that further meetings of the Club will be held here. Publications Volume 32, part 4, of the Essex Naturalist was published under the Editorship of Mr E. Pinniger. Three issues of the Bulletin were distributed in the Spring, Summer and Autumn, the Autumn issue being the start of tho second year of publica- tion. Publicity In order to promote membership of the Club, a new folder to include an outline of the Club and a form of proposal of mem- bership is being produced, the design being by our member Mr R. Jones. It is hoped that this will be available later in 1972. In conclusion the Officers and Council of the Club would like to thank all those who have contributed to the well-being of the Club during 1971, especially those who have led meetings and contributed to the publications.