SQUIRRELS IN ESSEX 67 Map 1 longer, certainly to the end of the decade (T. A. Lording). This means that the last Red Squirrels were seen in Epping Forest a quarter of a century after the appearance of the first Greys. In the 1959 Squirrel Survey Lloyd (1962) recorded that Red Squirrel reports were common in east and north-east Essex but thereafter the rate of decline was accelerated, and since 1965 records have been confined to the north-east corner of the county, a few Red Squirrels being seen in gardens around Colchester, and from some of the surrounding villages. In the next two years colonies to the north, west and south of Colchester also disappeared rapidly. The last record from these areas is that of a Red Squirrel seen in Donyland Ranges in 1969 (although efforts by the Mammal Group to record this species at Donyland in 1968 had failed, only large numbers of Greys being seen). Post-1970 Red Squirrel Records There are very few post-1970 Red Squirrel records (Map 2, Table 1), and most of these lie to the east of Colchester. However, three reliable records were made in the Danbury area in 1971, two being made by Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food field officers in the parishes of Woodham Walter and Woodham Mortimer on the Warren Golf Course, and one in a walnut tree in a garden at Little Baddow by G. Pyman. It appears that a small number of Red Squirrels were living in this area, but *