SQUIRRELS IN ESSEX 73 1960-1972 Grey Squirrel Records As can be seen from Map 4 this species is now widely distributed throughout the county and is one of our most frequently recorded mam- mals. There are records for every ten-kilometre square that lies entirely within the county boundaries, and of the ten-kilometre squares that lie partially within the county only three (viz. TQ 57, TR 09 and TM 21) lack Grey Squirrel records. In fact all three of these squares consist largely of coastal marshland or reclaimed farmland which is an unsuitable habitat for the animal. Map 4 In the 1971 Squirrel Survey Grey Squirrels were considered to be absent in twenty-three parishes in Essex (Map 5, Table 3). With the exception of Helions Bumpstead on the Suffolk border, all these parishes lie in the east and south-east of the county in the coastal areas; none of the coastal islands has been colonised. Most of the areas of suitable habitat within the county have now been colonised by the Grey Squirrel. Since 1960 records have been made from a wide range of habitats, including both deciduous and coniferous wood- lands, suburban gardens and parks, scrubland, isolated trees and hedge- rows. No doubt in the next few years some of the remaining unoccupied parishes will be invaded, although a large area of the coastal strip, and most of the islands, will probably never hold resident populations of Grey