84 THE ESSEX NATURALIST S. vitripennis Mg. 28 April-11 November VC 18, 19. Abundant throughout the county. Observed at flowers of Ranunculus repens, Hypericum perforatum, Rosa sp., Hedera helix, Angelica sylvestris, Anthriscus sylvestris, Daucus carota, Foeniculum vulgare, Hera- cleum sphondylium, Smyrnium olusatrum, Torilis japonica, Convolvulus arvensis, Centaurea nigra, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Cirsium arvense, Hypochaeris radicata, Inula crithmoides, Picris echioides, Pulicaria dysen- terica, Senecio erucifolius, S. jacobaea, Taraxacum officinale; Colletia armata and Ageratum. S. ribesii L. 17 May-18 October VC 18, 19. Less abundant than the closely similar S. vitripennis, but equally widespread. Seen at flowers of Cardaria draba, Myosoton aquati- cum, Stellaria holostea, Rubus fruticosus agg., Anthriscus sylvestris, Heracleum sphondylium, Smyrnium olusatrum, Inula helenium and Sonchus arvensis. Epistrophe eligans Harris (Syrphus eligans of Coe) 21 April-16 June VC 18, 19. Plentiful in the early part of the season, and a common garden species, usually seen hovering or basking in the sun on leaves. Observed also at flowers of Cardaria draba, Hawthorn, Bramble, Flower- ing Cherry and Smyrnium olusatrum. E. grossulariae Mg. (Syrphus grossulariae of Coe) VC 18, 19. Recorded by Harwood (1903), but there are no Essex specimens in HD, BM or PE. The only recent record is a single specimen I took on an oak leaf at Baldwins Hill, Epping Forest, on 14 June 1964. E. nitidicollis Mg. (Syrphus nitidicollis of Coe) VC 18, 19. Colchester (Harwood, in HD and PE), 16 June 1927 (Har- wood, in BM); Leigh, 18 May 1871 (G. H. Verrall, in BM); Epping Forest, 19 May 1940 (LP); Waltham Abbey, 21 May 1948 (C. O. Ham- mond); Mucking, female on Hawthorn flowers 31 May 1970; Westcliff, male on apple leaf 21 May 1971. E. euchroma Kowarz (Syrphus euchromus of Coe) VC 19. Colchester (Verrall, 1901). Harwood (1903) said it was 'very rare'. Harwood specimens in HD from Colchester High Woods cover the years 1895 to 1912, and include a male determined by R. L. Coe. Metasyrphus corollae F. (Syrphus corollae of Coe) 15 May-14 November. VC 18, 19. A very abundant species, especially in late summer. I have notes of its feeding at flowers of Pastinaca sativa, Convolvulus arvensis, Cichorium intybus, Inula crithmoides, I. helenium, Picris echioides, Senecio erucifolius, Sonchus oleraceus; and Golden Rod and Chrysanthemum maximum in gardens, but this list could certainly be greatly extended with closer observation.