86 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Leucozona lucorum L. 21 April-31 July VC 18, 19. A very common early summer species, most often seen in May and early June, and almost always singly. Ischyrosyrphus laternarius Mueller (Syrphus laternarius of Coe) VC 18, 19. Colchester, High Woods (Harwood, in HD); Benfleet Downs, on Heracleum sphondylium flowers 28 June 1970; Langdon Hills, 30 June 1972 (G. Glombek); Rayleigh, 9 July 1972 (E. T. Levy). Melangyna barbifrons Fln. (Syrphus barbifrons of Coe) VC 19. This was included as an Essex species by Harwood (1903), but there are no specimens from the county in BM, HD or PE. M. compositarum Verrall (Syrphus compositarum of Coe) VC 18. Leigh Downs, a male basking on an elm leaf 4 June 1970, and another on Daucus carota flowers 13 August 1972; Danbury, Backwarden Reserve, 13 June 1970; Mucking, a male basking on an elm leaf 14 June 1970. M. labiatarum Verrall (Syrphus labiatarum of Coe) VC 18, 19. Widespread and not uncommon in late summer. I have seen it on flowers of the Umbellifers Angelica sylvestris, Daucus carota, Foeni- culum vulgare and Heracleum sphondylium. M. lasiophthalma Zett. (Syrphus lasiophthalmus of Coe) VC 19. Colchester, 1899 (Harwood, in HD). This early summer wood- land species, which occurs in adjoining counties, ought to be re-found in Essex. M. quadrimaculatus Verrall (Syrphus quadrimaculatus of Coe) VC 19. Colchester, 1896 (Harwood, in HD); Colchester (W. H. Har- wood, in PE). M. umbellatarum F. (Syrphus umbellatarum of Coe) VC 18, 19. Described as 'scarce' by Harwood (1903), there are several Harwood specimens from Colchester in HD. In my experience it is now widespread and fairly common, especially in late summer. I have seen it at flowers of the Umbellifers Angelica sylvestris, Daucus carota, Foeniculum vulgare, Heracleum sphondylium and Sison amomum. M. cincta Fln. (Syrphus cinctus of Coe) VC 18, 19. Colchester, 1914 (Harwood, in HD); Epping Forest, 15 July 1934 (LP); Ongar Park Wood, 1 May 1949 (LP); Newport, 27 April 1963; Danbury, Backwarden Reserve, 22 May 1970, 15 July 1972 (G. Glombek). M. triangulifera Zett. (Syrphus triangulifer of Coe) VC 19. Colchester (Verrall, 1901). Harwood (1903) said it was 'very rare'. There are two males in HD taken by Harwood at Colchester on 19 May 1915.