HOVER-FLIES IN ESSEX 91 satisfactory identification. I found a male scutellaris at Shadwell Wood, Ashdon, on 12 May 1973, at rest on a leaf of Prunus laurocerasus. Liogaster metallina F. VC 18, 19. A common fly, observed at flowers of the buttercups Ranun- culus acris, R. bulbosus, R. repens and of Stellaria holostea. L. splendida Mg. VC 18, 19. Colchester (Harwood, in HD); Benfleet, 6 July 1947 (CNC). Orthoneura splendens Mg. VC 18, 19. A common species, observed at flowers of Cardaria draba and of the Umbellifers Angelica sylvestris, Daucus carota, Foeniculum vulgare, Heracleum sphondylium and Torilis japonica. O. nobilis Fln. VC 18. Benfleet, 7 June 1953 (C. O. Hammond). Chrysogaster hirtella Loew VC 18, 19. Common in damp places. Taken at flowers of Ranunculus acris, R. repens and Rosa sp. C. macquarti Loew VC 19. Colchester, 1916 (Harwood, at BM). P. J. Chandler tells me that in Surrey this is a species of acid bogs, so its continued existence in Essex seems doubtful. C. solstitialis Fln. VC 18, 19. A common late summer species, taken on flowers of the Umbellifers Angelica sylvestris, Conopodium majus, Heracleum sphondylium and Torilis japonica. C. chalybeata Mg. VC 18, 19. Harlow, on Heracleum sphondylium flowers by the Stort Canal, 4 July 1964; Stanford-le-Hope, a female on Daucus carota flowers, 16 August 1972 (G. Glombek); Little Waltham Alder Carr Reserve, a female on Daucus carota flowers by the slurry pond, 28 August 1972. C. virescens Loew VC 19. Colchester, 1914 etc. (Harwood, in HD). Neoascia podagrica F. 4-30 May and in late summer till 4 October VC 18,19. Abundant throughout the county, this small fly has been seen at flowers of Cardaria draba, Anthriscus sylvestris and garden carrot, but it is generally found flying near the ground among low herbage. N. obliqua Coe VC 18. Loughton, 18 May 1946 (CNC). It is odd that Coe (1953) does not cite this record.