92 THE ESSEX NATURALIST N. aenea Mg. VC 18, 19. This small and inconspicuous species may be more wide- spread than the few records suggest. Loughton, 18 May 1946 (CNC); Epping, 20 July 1952 (C. H. Andrews); Hatfield Forest, 23 May 1959; Little Waltham Alder Carr Reserve, 19 May 1971 and 22 April 1972; Peldon, Copthall Grove, 16 June 1972 (P. J. Chandler). N. dispar Mg. VC 18, 19. Colchester, 1900 (Harwood, in HD); Fingringhoe Wick Reserve, in Ranunculus repens flower, 17 May 1970; Little Waltham Alder Carr Reserve, 19 May 1971; Mucking, 14 May 1972 (G. Glombek). Sphegina clunipes Fln. VC 18. Epping Forest, a male swept in a moist place in the Wake Valley, 16 July 1969 (A. A. Allen); Hadleigh Downs, a female with pale abdominal markings taken in woodland, 10 June 1972 (P. J. Chandler). S. kimakowiczi Strobi VC 18. Hadleigh Downs, a male taken in woodland, 10 June 1972 (P. J. Chandler). Chandler tells me that in his experience it is not unusual to find this and the preceding species together. Triglyphus primus Loew VC 18. I took a single male of this very small but distinctive fly on flowers of Foeniculum vulgare at Benfleet on 2 September 1972 (Payne, 1973). Pipiza luteitarsis Zett. VC 18, 19. Colchester, 1912 (Harwood, in HD); Ongar Park Wood, 1 May 1948 (LP); Loughton, in flight in garden 4 May 1963 (Payne, 1968); Hadleigh Downs, on elm leaves in evening sunlight 8 May 1970; Eastwood, 19 May 1972 (E. T. Levy); Hullbridge, 21 May 1972 (E. T. Levy). P. austriaca Mg. VC 18, 19. Colchester (W. H. Harwood, in PE, as lugubris); Hainault Forest, 12 July 1947 (CNC); Hadleigh, on brambles and nettles, 15 June 1970 and 13 June 1971. P. fenestrata Mg. VC 18, 19. Bicknacre, Thrift Wood Reserve, on a hornbeam leaf 22 May 1970; Eastwood, 7 May 1972 (E. T. Levy); Ashdon, male at Bluebell flower in Shadwell Wood, 12 May 1973. P. bimaculata Mg. VC 18. Loughton, 28 July 1963 (Payne, 1968); Langdon Hills, 7 May 1972 (G. Glombek); Hadleigh Downs, woodland, 10 June 1972 (P. J. Chandler).