94 THE ESSEX NATURALIST old one from Colchester (Harwood, in HD). In his 1903 list Harwood refers to the species under its former name sparsa. C. variabilis Panzer 5 May-13 July VC 18, 19. One of the three commonest species of Cheilosia in Essex, and amongst the largest. Usually seen at rest on leaves. C. impressa Loew VC 18, 19. There is a Colchester specimen (Harwood) in HD; and I took several examples on flowers of Daucus carota on Hadleigh Downs in August 1969. C. soror Zett. VC 19. There are no Essex specimens in any of the museums, but Verrall (1901) records it from Colchester. Since it is widely distributed in Kent (Chandler, 1969) it may be expected to occur in our county. C. pagana Mg. 22 April-6 September VC 18, 19. Another of the common species, and with an unusually long flying period for a Cheilosia. Taken at flowers of Caltha palustris, Ranun- culus repens, Myosoton aquaticum, Anthriscus sylvestris, Torilis japonica, Cirsium vulgare and Taraxacum sp. C. scutellata Fln. VC 18, 19. Colchester (W. H. Harwood, in PE); Epping Forest, on Oenanthe crocata flowers 3 July 1963 and on Angelica sylvestris flowers 1 August 1964; Woodham Walter Common, on Angelica sylvestris flowers 26 August 1970; Fingringhoe Wick Reserve, on Angelica sylvestris flowers 3 September 1971; Rayleigh, 9 July 1972 (E. T. Levy); Danbury, Backwarden Reserve, on Angelica sylvestris flowers 5 September 1972. C. intonsa Loew VC 18, 19. The known distribution in Essex supports Chandler's (1969) view that this is mainly a coastal and estuarine fly. Colchester, 1897 (Harwood, in BM); Frinton, August 1919 (C. G. Nurse, in BM); Benfleet, 18 July 1937 (S. Lond. ent. N.H. Soc. field meeting); Hanningfield Reser- voir, September 1971 (E. T. Levy); Leigh-on-Sea, swept from long grass 5 August 1972. C. honesta Rondani VC 18, 19. Colchester (Harwood, in BM and HD); Hadleigh Downs, 10 June 1972 (A. W. Pearcy). C. barbata Loew VC 19. Included by Harwood in his 1903 list, but there do not appear to be any extant Essex specimens. C. vulpina Mg. VC 19. Colchester (Harwood, in HD).