HOVER-FLIES IN ESSEX 95 C. grossa Fln. VC 18, 19. A distinctively furry brown fly of early spring. Colchester, 17 April 1910 (Harwood, in HD): there are also several undated Harwood specimens from Colchester in BM and PE; St. Osyth creek, 4 May 1908 (W. H. Harwood, in HD); Maldon, a male hovering near the river 31 March 1972; Fingringhoe Wick Reserve, a male hovering over an open gravelly area 3 April 1972; Danbury Common, a female at Sallow flowers, 24 March 1973. C. albipila Mg. VC 18, 19. Another early season species, which may have been over- looked in recent years. Colchester, 1893 etc. (Harwood, a long series in HD, and several examples also in BM and PE, one of the latter named flavicornis); Epping Forest, 7 April 1896 (F. B. Jennings, in BM). C. fraterna Mg. VC 18, 19. Colchester (W. H. Harwood, in PE); Epping Forest, 19 May 1940 (LP); Epping Forest, High Beach, 28 May 1950 (C. O. Hammond); Fingringhoe Wick Reserve, a male on Ranunculus repens flower 30 May 1970. C. bergenstammi Becker VC 18, 19. Colchester (Harwood, det. G. H. Verrall, in HD); Benfleet Downs, on flowers of Senecio erucifolius 23 August 1970. C. praecox Zett. VC 19. Fingringhoe Wick Reserve, a female on Bellis perennis flowers 17 May 1970 (Payne, 1973). C. albitarsis Mg. 8 May-21 June VC 18, 19. Probably the commonest Cheilosia in our county. Formerly known as flavimana. I have usually taken it on flowers of the buttercups Ranunculus bulbosus and R. repens, but also on those of Anthriscus sylvestris and Allium ursinum. C. mutabilis Fln. VC 19. I discovered a colony of this very small Cheilosia on Tiptree Heath on 14 July 1972 (Payne, 1973). The flies were sunning themselves on low herbage, and were feeding on flowers of Heracleum sphondylium. C. cynocephala Loew VC 19. An uncommon species distinguished by its strikingly purple thorax. I took a male on Heracleum sphondylium flowers at Fingringhoe Wick Reserve on 7 August 1971 (Payne, 1973). C. carbonaria Egger VC 19. Colchester, 1910 (Harwood, in HD).