102 THE ESSEX NATURALIST High Woods in 1905, and B. S. Harwood's diary for that year says: 'May 9th ... a fine Pocota apiformis by Nut-Hazel Grove in High Wds.' More recently, J. F. Shillito (1947) reared a series of no less than 41 specimens of this magnificent insect in its lemon-yellow form from pupae collected in a cavity in a Beech tree at High Beach, Epping Forest; emergences of the adult fly took place between 23 April and 2 May 1947. It is pleasant to record that Shillito released the majority of these insects on the edge of the Forest. Syritta pipiens L. 13 April-8 November VC 18, 19. Verrall (1901) regarded this as 'probably the commonest species of Syrphidae in Britain', and it is certainly found everywhere in Essex. Observed at flowers of Crataegus monogyna, Rubus fruticosus agg., Hedera helix, Angelica sylvestris, Daucus carota, Foeniculum vulgare, Heracleum sphondylium, Oenanthe crocata, Torilis japonica, Cuscuta epithymum, Lamium purpureum, Mentha aquatica, Aster tripolium, Chrysan- themum leucanthemum, Cirsium arvense, Inula crithmoides, I. helenium, Picris echioides, Pulicaria dysenterica, Senecio erucifolius, S. squalidus; and of Helianthemum, Colletia armata, Polygonum baldschuanicum, blue Heliotrope, Mimulus guttatus, Chrysanthemum maximum, C. parthenium, Erigeron and Golden Rod. Tropidia Scita Harris 28 May-8 July VC 18, 19. Common all round the Essex coast and Thames estuary, and inland at the Chelmer Valley Reserve. Taken at Fingringhoe Wick Reserve on Hawthorn flowers, but normally found in long grass and low herbage. Eumerus strigatus Fln. 7 June-6 September VC 18, 19. Fairly common, feeding on flowers of Ranunculus acris, Angelica sylvestris, Daucus carota and Heracleum sphondylium. E. tuberculatus Rondani 22 May-7 September VC 18. An abundant garden insect, the larvae feeding inside bulbs. In my experience it is entirely confined to gardens. It was not recognised as a British species until 1920, and there are as yet no records for VC 19, though it must occur there. I have observed it feeding at flowers of Caltha palustris, Limnanthes douglasii and Chrysanthemum maximum. E. ornatus Mg. VC 19. Colchester, 1904, 1906 (Harwood, in HD). References Allen, A. A. (1965). A few notable Diptera from Windsor Forest. Ent. Rec. 77: 105-109. Allen, R. H. (1971). Volucella zonaria. Essex Nat. 32: 360. Brunetti, E. (1890). Remarks on collecting Diptera, with notes on the Diptera of Epping Forest. Essex Nat. 4: 85-92. Chandler, P. J. (1969). The Hover-flies of Kent. Trans. Kent Field Club 3: (pt 3).