COUNCIL REPORTS 111 Report of the Council of the Essex Field Club—1972 Council The Council of the Club met six times during the year and report another satisfactory year of activity. Mr B. Ward, Mr B. Eastcott and Mr A. C. Wheeler retired from Council according to the rules of the club and Mrs D. Boardman and Mr K. Byrne were elected ordinary members of Council. Mr J. Caldwell, Mr S. Harris were nominated by the Geology and Mammal Groups respectively to be their representatives on Council under the new rule of the club (Rule No. 7—amended 1971). Membership The membership of the Club stands at 303 (December 1972). The Club- is pleased to welcome the Natural History Society of the Writtle Agri cultural College to its membership. During the year the death was announced of Mrs Birkmire who had recently served a term on the council of the Club. Also of Mr F. Cullen who was one of our oldest members. Meetings A total of 46 meetings were held during the year, as follows General meetings, including the A.G.M. —at West Ham 4 —at High Beach 1 —in the field 6 Group Annual Meetings 3 Group Annual Dinner 1 Informal meetings 31 The informal meetings were as follows: Botany 8, Geology 4, Ornitho- logy 9, Mammalogy 5, Conservation 1, General Natural History 3, Travel lecture 1. Of these, one of the botany meetings was held jointly with the London Natural History Society. The Council is concerned that many of the indoor meetings at West Ham were poorly attended. The Mammal Group have continued their trapping meetings on reserves of the Essex Naturalists Trust and held a competition for the 'Mammal Jug' at their Annual General Meeting. The week-end conserva- tion meeting did some useful if wet work at Fingringhoe Wick Reserve. Also a success was the week-end meeting held at the Breanoc Field Centre in Cornwall, where members saw a range of Cornish mammals. Other