112 THE ESSEX NATURALIST British mammals were seen at Whipsnade Zoo and hedgehogs were the subject of an informal talk. The Botany Group held a wide variety of meetings, including some to the north of the county, and were also recording on reserves of the Essex Naturalists' Trust. A Fungus Foray was held at Danbury and the Annual Foray in Epping Forest was again well attended, being marked by a barbecue of those edible fungi found during the day. The geologists, too, had a successful season. Church Stretton was the venue for a long week-end meeting over the Spring Bank Holiday and was attended by botanists and ornithologists as well. Canterbury and Hastings were also popular venues. At the Annual Meeting a talk on 'Plate Tectonics' (an hypothesis suggesting that earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain-build- ing may be explained by the movement of huge plates of which the earth's crust is constructed) was presented. The Annual Dinner was well attended. The ornithologists had nine meetings, visiting many parts of the county. These meetings, led by Mr Parker, were well attended and proved to be of considerable general interest and encouragement to younger members attending. Other meetings of general natural history interest were held at Mores Wood near Brentwood, at Hainault Forest and Curtis Mill Green. Exhibitions Display boarding constructed by Kevin Byrne was used to good effect at the Danbury Horticultural Show and also at the Harlow Town Show in the tent booked by the Essex Naturalists' Trust. These exhibitions take a lot of organising and Council would like to thank those members that helped erect and man the stands. The main feature of these was the display on badgers, which drew attention, particularly at Harlow. Publications Copies of the Bulletin under the editorship of Mr R. Masefield were distributed in the spring, summer and winter 1972 and contained articles of general interest, appeals for records, reports of meetings and book reviews contributed by a small selection of members. The Essex Naturalist was unfortunately delayed but Council expect that two numbers will be distributed during 1973. Publicity A prospectus designed by freelance artist Bob Jones was printed during the year and has been distributed to members of the Club and other interested organisations. Council hopes that members will make use of them to advertise the Club to prospective new members. A display of our activities was mounted at the Epping Forest Conserva- tion Centre at High Beach during the autumn. In conclusion the Officers and Council of the Club would like to thank all those who have contributed to the continued success of the club, and in particular those who have led meetings, manned displays, advertised the Club and contributed to the publications, not forgetting those who have provided refreshment at meetings.