COUNCIL REPORTS 113 Report of the Council of the Essex Field Club—1973 Council The Council met six times during the year and report an eventful year. At the Annual General Meeting on 17 March 1973 Mr M. T. Parker, B.Sc., L.I.Biol., was elected President; Mr P. W. Glassborow having served the full term of three years. Mrs K. Davidson and Mr S. Harris retired from the Council, their places being taken by Messrs E. N. Hooper and J. A. Caldwell as ordinary members. Messrs T. Lording, D. Brown and A. D. Boniface were elected as group representatives for Mammals, Geology and Botany respectively. Membership At 31 December 1973 the membership stood at 321. This is a slight increase on last year. Council stress that if the Club is to keep up with rising costs the membership must be increased during 1974. It is with deep regret that Council report the untimely death of Mr S. T. Jermyn on 23 September 1973. He joined the Club in 1951, and as County Plant Recorder he had nearly completed an up-to-date county flora. Meetings A total of 39 meetings were held during the year, as follows: General meetings, including the A.G.M. —at West Ham 2 —at Chelmsford 2 —at Brentwood 1 —in the field 7 Group Annual Meetings 3 Group Annual Dinner 1 Informal meetings 22 and 1 residential week-end. The informal meetings were as follows: Ornithology 3, General Natural History 3, Geology 4, Archaeology and Local History 3, Botany 4, Conservation 3, Fungus Forays 2, Residential week-end 1. Of these, joint meetings were held with: Bishop's Stortford Natural History Society, Harlow Wildlife Society, Thurrock Natural History Society, and Writtle College of Agriculture Natural History Society. Members of the Mammal Group have continued their individual researches and have added to the variety of other club meetings. At their A.G.M., the Mammal Jug was awarded to Mr K. Hoy. At this meeting there was a good exhibition of items of mammalian interest. Messrs