114 THE ESSEX NATURALIST D. Corke and R. Cowlin outlined their recent adventures in South America. The Botany Group held meetings at Colne Point, West Wood and Blakes Wood, Mucking Reed Beds and Hatfield Forest. The Fungus Foray at Epping Forest was held earlier in the year than usual and provided a number of unusual specimens. The meeting, once again, finished at the Epping Forest Conservation Centre, where excellent facilities were made available by the Warden, Mr Moxey of the Field Studies Council. The geologists had a successful year. The Spring week-end, held in the Bristol District, was led by Mr Andrew Fraser of the Field Studies Council and Mr R. Allen. Dr P. Wallis of the Royal School of Mines, London, gave a well-illustrated account of the Geology of Wine, the meeting being followed by the testing of a selection of wines. At the Annual General Meeting Mr P. Allen gave an account of his researches into East Anglian geology and Mr R. Allen demonstrated the use of polyurethane foams in fossil extraction. The ornithologists held meetings at Mill Green, Danbury Common, Tiptree Heath, Galleywood Common, Wrabness and Goldhanger. All these meetings were well attended. The President's meeting was held at Mill Green and Highwood, near Fryerning, and was followed by an indoor session and tea in the Parish Hall. A visit to the grounds of Writtle Agricultural College to look at trees was very well attended. In the spring, we camped overnight at the Suntrap Field Centre in order to be up in time for the dawn chorus. Led by Mr K. Hoy we heard and saw a good selection of birds. The meeting also set traps for small mammals and included a slide show, a discussion and a morning spent looking at insects in Epping Forest. During November the club organised a residential meeting held jointly with Debden House Residential Centre and the Nature Conservancy, to examine the implications of major road construction on the natural environment of Essex. The Chairman for the meeting was Mr Colin Ranson of the Nature Conservancy. Other speakers contributed on the effects of roads on plants, deer, badgers, birds, the human environment, and other relevant subjects. Mr K. Hoy led a ramble in Epping Forest to see areas currently threatened by development. General rambles were held in the Harlow area, Writtle and along the Forest Way. Exhibitions Displays were mounted at several venues around the county. At the Dagenham Town Show a display of Club activities was popular with children, and was commended by the Mayor of Dagenham. At the Ingatestone Show we constructed a full-size badger sett, and this, with another erected outdoors at the Writtle Show and Fete, produced a number of valuable badger and other records. A wall display was mounted at the Chelmsford and Essex Museum for a month, and featured dawn chorus recordings. Valence Library in Dagenham also provided space for display. Another display was mounted in the Exhibition Room of South Havering Library.