Vol. 33, Part 3 1976 THE ESSEX NATURALIST being the Journal of THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB Edited by David Corke Editorial This issue, like the last, covers two years although it is less than two full years since part two was published. Provided with an edequate supply of good quality papers, and assuming the Field Club's finances remain sound, we should be able to resume annual publication of the Essex Naturalist next year. Please note that we have adopted a new system of dating; from this issue onwards the date on the cover is the date of publication and not the date of the year(s) covered by the Council reports. This explains the absence of a 1975 Essex Naturalist. The cover illustration is by David Lewis and shows Gobius paganellus— one of the fish described in Mr Barron's paper in this issue. Since the appearance of the previous Essex Naturalist the Club has suffered the sad loss of two valued Council members. Tom Bartrop, a former president, died in April 1975 and his obituary appears in this issue. Mrs Doreen Boardman, who did so much for the study of fungi in Essex, died in the spring of 1976. The Club's President is in the process of pre- paring a full obituary notice which will appear in the next edition. Prospective authors are requested to contact me before submitting a paper for publication so that a full set of instructions for the preparation of typescript can be supplied. David Corke Dept Biological Science N.E. London Polytechnic E15 4LZ. Published by The Essex Field Club at the Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Road, London E.15, and printed by The Anchor Press Limited, Tiptree, Essex