130 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Creutzberg, F. and Fonds, M. (1971). The seasonal variation in the distribution of some demersal fish species in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Thalassia, Jugo- slavia 7: 13-23. Davis, D. S. (1967). The Marine fauna of the Blackwater Estuary. Essex Nat. 32: 2-61. Fonds, M. (1964). The Occurrence of Gobius pictus Malm and Onus septentrionalis Collett in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Neth. J. Sea Res. 2(2): 250-257. Fonds, M. (1973). Sand gobies in the Dutch Wadden Sea (Pomatoschistus, Gobidae, Pisces). Neth. J. Sea Res. 6(4): 417-478. Healey, M. C. (1971). The distribution and abundance of sand gobies, Gobius minutus, in the Ythan estuary. J. Zool. Lond. 163: 177-229. Jones, D. and Miller, P. J. (1966). Seasonal migrations of the Common Goby, Pomatoschistus microps (Kroyer) in Morecambe Bay and elsewhere. Hydro- biologia 27: 515-528. Lawacz, W. (1965). An analysis of variation in two populations of Gobius microps Kr. depending on the salinity of the habitat. Ekologia Polska-Seria A. 13(10): 125-142. Macer, C. T. (1967). The food web in Red Wharf Bay (N. Wales) with particular references to the young plaice (P. platessa). Helg. Wiss. Meeresunt. 15: 560-573. Nyman, K. J. (1953). Observations on the Behaviour of Gobius microps. Acta. Soc. pro Fauna et Flora Fenn 69: 1-11. Wheeler, A. (1969). The Fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. Macmillan, London. Appendix A Key to the field characters of the gobies of the Upper Blackwater Estuary (see also Figure 3). 1. The body is not transparent........2 The body is transparent..........Aphia minuta 2. The body has many spots or no spots on each flank................3 The body has only two prominent spots on each flank................Chaparrudo flavescens 3. There is a 'long' caudal peduncle and many spots on each flank............4 There is a 'short' caudal peduncle and no spots on each flank............5 4. The fish has two bars going forward and down from the eye and has many spots on each flank............ Pomatoschistus microps The fish has one bar beneath the eye and has 4 or 5 spots on each flank, that at the base of the tail being most prominent ......Pomatoschistus minutus 5. The 1st dorsal fin has a dark spot at the back of the base of the fin and another on the upper leading-edge............Gobius niger The 1st dorsal fin has a yellow band along the upper edge..............Gobius paganellus