THE LICHEN FLORA OF THE BASILDON AREA 141 Table 1 Figures are from 1962 to 1972 or from the first year for which adequate data was available. N=insufficient data available. An asterisk (*) denotes that I have computed the figures from available data, (a) to (e) are the actual locations of sites grouped into areas by Warren Spring Laboratory: (a) = Romford 4; (b) = Tilbury/Thurrock 31; (c)= Tilbury/Thurrock 29; (d) = Thurrock 6; (e)= Southend 2. which was having such a disastrous effect on the lichen flora of the Com- mons. Studies made on the lichens from 1953-1956 (Laundon, 1958) and from 1969-1973 (Laundon, 1973) showed that between these periods 25% of the epiphytic species had become extinct. With the decline of the lichen flora of Bookham Commons result- ing from the nearby residential infilling in mind, I consider that it is essential to examine the increase in population and industry within the area, particularly of Basildon Urban District. The following data has been abstracted from two publications by Basildon Urban District Council, namely their Official Guide (1972 edition), Information 1973-4 and un- published information bringing figures up to date. The new town of Basildon was designated in 1949 and it was proposed that the population would be 50,000, doubling the existing population. After three more proposals the figure had risen to 140,000, although current suggestions for the ultimate size is for a population of 134,000. This figure is rapidly being reached since the present population is approximately 86,000 and the figure for the whole of the Urban District is 136,000. The rate of growth of the Urban District is approximately 4/5,000 people per year and the density is a little over 3,000 people per square mile. Industry is also rapidly increasing with 172 factories having been built in Basildon New Town. Of the other areas within the Urban District, Billericay is also increasing rapidly, and also has a 25 acre industrial estate. Before 1951, the population of Billericay was 7-8,000 and it is expected that this will increase to 32,500 by 1981. Similarly Wickford, the only other large town within the Urban area, had a population of 8,000 in 1951, an estimated 20,000 in 1971, and it is planned to increase that to 29,000 by 1981.