144 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Billericay (1974, PME-B) and St Mary's, Runwell (1974, PME-B); shaded crevices and base of wall, All Saints' Church, Hutton (1974, PME-B). B. umbrina (Ach.) Bausch Scarce on concrete and brick. 51/68, 69. Top of concrete post, railway station, Billericay (1973, PME-B); vertical surface of brick railway bridge, near Dunton Hall (1974, PME-B). Buellia epipolia (Ach.) Mong. Scarce on concrete, mortar and limestone. 51/69, 79. Concrete bridge over stream, Hutton (1971, PME-B); limestone grave- stones and mortar of wall of St Mary's, Runwell (1974, PME-B). B. canescens (Dicks.) DNot. Frequent on limestone and sandstone; rare on Ulmus. 51/69, 79. Limestone gravestones, All Saints', Rettendon (1971, IMH) and St Mary's, Buttesbury (1971, IMH); vertical surfaces of limestone headstones in churchyard of All Saints', Hutton (1972, PME-B); sandstone grave- stones, St Mary's, Little Burstead (1973, IMH); few small thalli on bole of Ulmus, Stock (1973, IMH) and similarly on stump of hedgerow Ulmus, by St Mary's, Runwell (1974, PME-B). B. punctata (Hoffm.) Massal. Frequent on the boles and lower parts of trunks of Ulmus, Fraxinus and Salix; rarer on palings and sandstone. 51/68, 69, 79. Roadside Ulmus, Hutton (1972, PME-B); boles of Fraxinus and Ulmus in hedgerows, Norsey Farm, Billericay (1973, PME-B); Ulmus stump by ditch and farm, Hatches, Little Burstead (1974, PME-B); old field gate and trunk of Fraxinus, Dunton Lodge, Herongate (1974, PME-B); Ulmus stump by ditch at edge of disused barracks, Langdon Hills (1974, PME-B); stumps of Salix and Ulmus and bole of Fraxinus, Westley Heights, Lang- don Hills (1974, PME-B); horizontal surface of sandstone chest-tomb and at mortar/sandstone niches, All Saints', Hutton (1974, PME-B); trunk of old Ulmus in churchyard and on old Ulmus stump in hedgerow of adjacent field, St Mary's, Runwell (1974, PME-B); on horizontal surfaces of garden fence, 117, Norsey Road, Billericay (1974, PME-B). Caloplaca aurantia (Pers.) Hellb. Rare on limestone. 51/69, 79. Vertical surfaces of limestone headstones in churchyards of All Saints', Hutton (1972, PME-B) and St Mary's, Runwell (1974, PME-B). C. citrina (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. Very common on concrete, mortar, asbestos-cement and limestone; occasional on marble, palings, decorticate stumps and bark of Ulmus and Salix. 51/68, 69, 78, 79. Throughout the whole area, especially in hypertrophicated sites e.g. near arable land and bird-perching stones.