146 THE ESSEX NATURALIST A few sorediate squamules on the decorticate parts of an old Salix stump on farmland, Westley Heights, Langdon Hills. (1974, PME-B). C. vitellina (Hoffm.) Mull. Arg. Locally frequent on sandstone; less common on mortar, concrete and asbestos-cement; very rare on Betula. 51/68, 69, 78, 79. Sloping sandstone arches of railway bridge, Hutton (1971, PME-B); horizontal surface of sandstone gravestone, All Saints' Church, Rettendon (1971, IMH); bole of Betula, Brock Hill, (1972, IMH); concrete posts, Pitsea Marsh (1972, IMH); horizontal surface of chest-tomb, All Saints' Church, Hutton (1974, PME-B); corrugated asbestos-cement roof, Botney Hill Farm, Little Burstead (1974, PME-B); mortar of brick railway bridge, near Dunton Hall (1974, PME-B); horizontal surface of gravestone level with the ground, Congregational Church, Billericay (1974, PME-B); top of headstone in churchyard of St Mary's, Runwell (1974, PME-B). Catillaria chalybeia (Borr.) Massal. Scarce (probably overlooked) on brick and asbestos-cement. 51/68, 69. Brick tunnel over stream, Hutton (1971, PME-B); corrugated asbestos- cement roof, disused barracks, Langdon Hills (1974, PME-B). C. griffithii (Sm.) Malme. Scarce on Fraxinus and Ulmus 51/68, 79. Bole of Fraxinus, Dunton Lodge (1974, PME-B); old Ulmus stump in hedgerow of field by St Mary's Church, Runwell (1974, PME-B). Cladonia chlorophaea (Florke ex Sommerf.) Spreng. Scarce on the ground in damp situations. 51/69, 52/70. On clay soil at base of railway embankment, Hutton (1971, PME-B); on loamy soil, Galleywood Common (1972, IMH). C. coniocraea (Florke) Spreng. Common on tree boles and decaying stumps. 51/68, 69, 79, 52/70. In most damp woods and coppices (1971-74; IMH, PME-B, SJH). This species is the dominant member of the union Cladonietum conio- craeae, and is often associated with Lecidea granulosa and Lepraria incana. C. conista (Ach). Robb. ex Allen Occassional on light loamy soils. 51/68, 69, 52/70. Loamy soil, Galleywood Common (1972, IMH); roadside embankment, Westley Heights, Langdon Hills (1974, PME-B); garden lawn, Norsey Road, Billericay (1974, IMH). C. fimbriata (L.) Fr. Frequent on sandy and loamy soils, and on moss and soil over stone; more rarely on mossy tree boles and trunks and rotting stumps. 51/68, 69, 78, 52/70. Grows in a great variety of habitats throughout the area (1971-74; IMH, PME-B, SJH).