THE LICHEN FLORA OF THE BASILDON AREA 147 C. ochrochlora Florke Rare on Aesculus. 15/69. Bole of Aesculus at edge of Norsey Wood, Norsey Road, Billericay (1972, SJH). C. subulata (L.) Web. Scarce on loamy soil. 51/69, 52/70. Railway embankment, Hutton (1971, PME-B); Galleywood Common (1972, IMH). Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. Very rare on Fraxinus and Salix. 51/69, 52/70. A single depauperate specimen (c. 1 cm long) on old Fraxinus stump, Thrift Wood, Bicknacre (1972, IMH); a single depauperate specimen of similar size on a prostrate Salix at edge of drained pond, Norsey Farm, Billericay (1973, PME-B). Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. Locally frequent on boles of Salix, Quercus, Fraxinus and Aesculus; also on palings and planks. 51/68, 69, 52/70. On horizontal surfaces of garden fence, 117, Norsey Road, Billericay (1971, IMH); Fraxinus stumps, Thrift Wood, Bicknacre (1972, IMH); bole of Quercus overhanging pond, Norsey Farm, Billericay (1972, IMH); on Salix beside stream, Galleywood Common (1972, IMH); bole of Aesculus at edge of Norsey Wood, Billericay (1972, SJH); boles and lower parts of inclined mossy trunks of Salix beside drained pond, and on wooden plank of shed, Norsey Farm, Billericay (1973, PME-B); bole of Quercus, Stock (1973, IMH); boles and lower parts of inclined trunks of Salix in sheltered hollow and by water, One Tree Hill (1974, PME-B). This species is the commonest foliose member of the Physodion federation, which is extremely fragmentary and simplified within the area, usually consisting of very few or no other species than Hypogymnia physodes. The garden fence of 117, Norsey Road, Billericay was erected in 1967 and now has several vigorously growing thalli (up to two centimetres in diameter) of Hypogymnia physodes on the horizontal surfaces which were not creosoted. By contrast, the thalli on bark on the bole of a Quercus, although overhanging water and situated only about one hundred metres away, have not measurably increased in size since 1971. This compares favourably with studies I have made in the polluted regions of West Yorkshire, where Hypogymnia physodes occurs sparingly as stunted specimens on the boles of trees on the outskirts of the urbanised areas, but occurs nearer to urban centres on lignicolous substrates. Lecania erysibe (Ach.) Mudd Occasional on asbestos-cement; rare on limestone. 51/68, 69, 79. Corrugated asbestos-cement roof, 6 Fairfield Avenue, Hutton (1971, PME-B); corrugated asbestos-cement roofs, disused barracks, Langdon Hills (1974, PME-B) and Botney Hill Farm, Little Burstead (1974, PME-B); limestone wall of St Mary's Church, Runwell (1974, PME-B).