150 THE ESSEX NATURALIST This species is, in unpolluted areas, entirely acidophilus. However, in polluted areas, it soon disappears from siliceous substrates, but manages to survive by colonising calcareous substrates. L. stigmatea (Ach.) Hertel & Leuckert Frequent on concrete, asbestos-cement and mortar; rare on limestone. 51/68, 69, 79. Limestone wall of All Saints' Church, Hutton (1972, PME-B); concrete roofing of outbuilding, Norsey Farm, Billericay (1973, PME-B); mortar on wall of St Mary's Church, Runwell (1974, PME-B); mortar between bricks of railway bridge, near Dunton Hall (1974, PME-B); corrugated asbestos-cement roofs, disused barracks, Langdon Hills (1974, PME-B); concrete roofing tiles, One Tree Hill (1974, PME-B); asbestos-cement garage and concrete path, 6 Fairview Avenue, Hutton (1974, PME-B). Lepraria incana (L.) Ach. Very common on brick, sandstone, mortar and trunks and boles of deciduous trees. 51/68, 69, 78, 79, 52/70. Occurs wherever conditions are damp and shaded enough, typically at the bases of walls, gravestones and boles of trees, but also on mortar, particularly within the urban areas. Opegrapha atra Pers. Very rare on Ulmus. 51/79. At the very base of an old Ulmus stump in a hedgerow by St Mary's Church, Runwell (1974, PME-B). Parmelia revoluta Florke Very rare on Salix. 52/70. Bole of Salix beside stream, Galleywood Common (1972, IMH). P. saxatilis (L.) Ach. Very rare on bark. 51/69. A few depauperate specimens on the bole of a garden espalier, Norsey Road, Billericay (1972, IMH). P. subaurifera Nyl. Rare on Fraxinus. 52/70. Fraxinus stumps, Thrift Wood, Bicknacre (1972, IMH). P. sulcata Tayl. Occasional on Salix and Fraxinus; rare on moss over sandstone and on decorticate wood. 51/69, 52/70. A single specimen on moss on horizontal surface of sandstone grave- stone level with the ground, All Saints' Church, Hutton (1972, PME-B); trunks of Salix, Galleywood Common (1972, IMH); Fraxinus stumps, Thrift Wood, Bicknacre (1972, IMH); inclined mossy trunks of Salix beside drained pond and on a decaying decorticate log, Norsey Farm, Billericay (1973, PME-B).