152 THE ESSEX NATURALIST P. tenella (Scop.) DC. em. Bitt. Scarce on asbestos-cement and sandstone. 51/68, 69. Sandstone gravestone, St Mary's Church, Little Burstead (1973, IMH); corrugated asbestos-cement roofs, disused barracks, Langdon Hills (1974, PME-B). Physconia grisea (Lam.) Poelt Frequent on limestone; scarce on asbestos-cement and concrete. 51/69, 78, 79. Particularly associated with Physcia spp. on the tops of limestone head- stones in churchyards. Platismatia glauca (L.) Culb. & Culb. Rare on Salix. 52/70. Trunks of Salix beside stream, Galleywood Common (1972, IMH). Protoblastenia rupestris (Scop.) Steiner Rare on concrete. 51/69. Concrete bridge over stream, Hutton (1971, PME-B). Rinodina exigua (Ach.) Gray Very rare on Salix. 51/68. On decorticate parts of old Salix stump, Westley Heights, Langdon Hills (1974, PME-B). R. subexigua (Nyl.) Oliv. Frequent on concrete, mortar, asbestos-cement and limestone. 51/68, 69. A nitrophilous species, often found on bird-perching stones e.g. the tips of concrete posts. Sarcogyne regularis Korb. Occasional on concrete and limestone. 51/69. Concrete bridge over stream, Hutton (1971, PME-B); on concrete part of barn, Norsey Farm, Billericay (1973, PME-B); limestone wall of All Saints' Church, Hutton (1974, PME-B); limestone gravestone, Con- gregational Church, Billericay (1974, PME-B). Trapelia coarctata (Turn. ex Sm.) Choisy Occasional on brick and sandstone. 51/69. Brick bridge over stream and sandstone railway arches, Hutton (1971, PME-B); brick gravestone and walls in All Saints' churchyard, Hutton (1972, PME-B); brick walls of old Kale beds, Norsey Farm, Billericay (1973, PME-B). Verrucaria hochstetteri Fr. Scarce on limestone. 51/69. Limestone gravestone, Congregational Church, Billericay (1974, PME-B); limestone wall of All Saints' Church, Hutton (1974, PME-B).