COUNCIL REPORTS FOR 1974 AND 1975 161 Report of the Council of the Essex Field Club—1975 Patron Following the death of Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester during 1974, Council is pleased to announce that the new Duke of Gloucester has agreed to be the Club's new Patron. Council The Council of the Club met six times during the year and are pleased to record a year of varied activity and many popular meetings. At the Annual General Meeting in April held at the County Education Centre, Broom- field, Mrs Boardmen and Mr K. Byrne retired from Council, their places being taken by Mr F. Smith and Dr P. Allen. Mr E. B. Pinniger retired as Editor of the Essex Naturalist, his place being taken by Dr D. Corke. Membership On the 9th January 1976 membership stood at 326, a decrease on last year. T. Bartrop (Vice-President) died in April, a sad loss. Meetings 40 meetings were held during the year, including 10 general and 30 informal meetings as follows. General Meetings at West Ham 2, at Broomfield (including the AGM) 3, with 5 being held in the field. Informal Meetings were held as follows Mammals 5, General 3, birds 5, Photographic competition 1, Botany 8, Amphibians and reptiles 1, Geology 4, and 3 group annual general meetings. In addition the Geology Group held an Annual Dinner. Many of these meetings were extremely well attended and while reports are in the Bulletin the following deserve mention. A pond dipping meeting for reptiles and amphibians arranged by the Mammal Group attracted some 56 members. 50 people took part in the all night mammal watching meeting when badgers, foxes, deer and other smaller mammals were seen. Bird Meetings were as usual very popular with 66 members attending a meeting at South Weald. Nightingales were a feature of the President's Meeting at Mill Green attended by 56 members. Similar numbers enjoyed the two fungus forays, the meeting to Fryerning producing many new records for the area. We were very pleased to welcome so many children to our meetings and Council wish to emphasise that children are especially welcome at meetings. Exhibitions Our displays at the Dagenham Town Show, Ingatestone Show and the