162 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Writtle Show were as large as, if not larger than, usual and attracted a great deal of interested people, some of whom have since joined the Club. A large number of people helped with these displays and we thank them all for the effort involved. Our thanks too to the Chelmsford Museum for the loan of specimens and their special assistance at the Dagenham Town Show. Publications Volume 33 part 2 of the Essex Naturalist was issued under the editorship of Dr D. Corke and two issues of the Bulletin were edited by Mr R. Cowlin and Mr R. Allen. Our thanks to those who contributed papers and articles and also to those who assisted with the production of the Bulletins. In conclusion, Council would like to thank all those who have contri- buted to our activities during 1975, led meetings, manned displays, supported the meetings and contributed to the publications. Special mention must be made of those good ladies who provided the refreshments at indoor meetings and to those gentlemen who were sometimes allowed to do the washing up.