25 SOME OF THE RARER PLANTS OF EPPING FOREST. Flowering Plants. (From the Lists of Mr. Walter Reeves and others.) Myosurus miniums. Mouse-tail. Ranunculus auricomus. Goldielocks. Ranunculus sceleratus. Celery-leaved Ranunculus. Arabis perfoliata. Glabrous Rock-cress. Senebiera didyma. Lesser Swine's-cress. Teesdalia nudicaulis. Common Teesdalia. Dianthus Armeria. Deptford Pink. Cerastium quaternellum. Erect Mouse- ear Chickweed. Hypericum humifusum. Trailing St. John's Wort. Hypericum pulchrum. Slender St. John's Wort. Hypericum elodes. Marsh St. John's Wort. Oxalis acetosella. Wood Sorrel. Potentilla argentea. Hoary Cinquefoil. *Chrysosplenium alternifolium. Alter- nate-leaved Golden Saxifrage. *Chrysosplenium oppositifolium. Oppo- site-leaved Golden Saxifrage. *Parnassia palustris. Grass of Parnassus. *Drosera rotundifolia. Round-leaved Sundew. Dipsacus pilosus. Small Teasel. *Oxycoccos palustre. Red Cranberry. *Menyanthes trifoliata. Buck-bean. *Utricularia vulgaris. Bladderwort. *Anagallis tenella. Bog Pimpernel. *Hottonia palustris. Water Violet. Viscum album. Mistletoe. Bog or marsh plants, CRYPTOGAMIC PLANTS—The Perns of Epping Forest. (From Mr. James English's List.) Pteris aquilina. Brake Pern. Lomaria spicant. Hard Pern. Athyrium Filix-femina. Lady Pern. Scolopendrium vulgare. Hart's-tongue. *Polystichum aculeatum. Prickly-shield Pern. *Polystichum angulare. Soft Prickly- shield Pern. Lastrea spinulosa. Crested-buckler Pern. Lastrea spinulosa, var. dilitata. Broad- buckler Pern. *Lastrea Thelypteris. Marsh - buckler Fern. *Lastrea Oreopteris. Mountain-buckler Pern. Polypodium vulgare. Polypody. Lastrea Filix-mas. Male Pern. * Species thus marked are supposed to be extinct in the Forest, but are likely to occur again. In addition to those above named, the following species are men- tioned in Gibson's "Flora of Essex:"—Asplenum ruta-muraria (Wall Rue Spleen- wort), Osmunda regalis (Osmund Royal), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Common Adder's Tongue), &c., &c.