The President's Address. 105 strongly, and the Cryptogamic Botany of this country was powerfully represented in the persons of our conductors and visitors, whilst French science did us the honour of recognizing our meeting in the person of the eminent botanist Professor Maxime Cornu, of Paris. So successful was this meeting in the opinion of our leaders that we have determined to make an annual institution of it, and I only hope that for many years to come we may rally around the same able conductors. The next point to which I propose to direct your atten- tion is the existing state of affairs with reference to our Library and Museum. These are still in a rudimentary condition, but a fair start has been made, and many dona- tions of books, periodicals, and specimens have been received during the year. The prospects of seeing ourselves established in a building of our own appear to be as yet remote, but a timely offer of assistance has come from the proprietors of the Art Classes, to whose kindness we are indebted for the use of the apartments where we now hold our meetings. Two rooms in this house have been allotted to the Club for the Library and Museum, and the Council has resolved that a certain portion of the funds arising from life-subscriptions shall be expended for the legitimate purpose of putting up such fittings as are considered suffi- cient to meet our present requirements. We are thus in a better position to make an appeal for donations, and I cannot too strongly urge upon our members the necessity for using every effort in their power to assist in the further- ing of this object. If it is made generally known that we have accommodation for books and specimens, I have no doubt but that many contributions will be forthcoming; and when we are able to show that a good nucleus exists, scientific writers will be encouraged to place copies of their works on our shelves, where they know that good use will be made of them, or to present us with collections which they desire to keep local, and which they may feel assured will be well looked after. The various books presented have been announced at our meetings, and the thanks of the Club have been