108 The President's Address. it has doubtless come under your notice. Those of our members who agree in this decision cannot but rejoice that the press generally, as well as many large and influential bodies, have also expressed their disapproval of this inter- ference with the Forest, and for my own part I can only give utterance to the wish that the Railway Company may be led to reconsider their plan, or to alter the route of the projected extension so as to leave our Forest untouched. The remarks made at the commencement of this address with reference to our lack of active science workers will, I trust, be taken in the spirit in which they were offered— the desire to see the Club doing good work and taking a high position among such societies. We are still in our infancy, and too much ought not to be expected from us at first starting. Still, in view of our increasing energy, it is not too soon to begin to consider some of the numerous lines of useful work which we might take up, and I will therefore in conclusion offer a few suggestions which may possibly serve to hasten the production of some of the more solid contributions to science which it should be our ambi- tion to see emanate from this Club. In the first place, as regards local catalogues of animals and plants—our County Directory—why should we not commence this next season upon some of the better known orders of insects, such as Lepidoptera or Coleoptera? Sup- posing we take the former, as having been the more exten- sively worked at. A large amount of material already exists scattered throughout the various British entomo- logical publications, and we should have to commence our list by systematic compilation. That done, we can begin to collect records from our own members, many of whom have long collected in the county; and I would suggest that a circular should be sent round, not only to our members, but also to all entomologists who may have worked our district, asking for their assistance. In the case of the rarer species, the locality, date of capture, and name of captor should be given, together with references if the capture has already been published. Every care should be taken to make our first list a typical one, and workers at