TRANSACTIONS OF THE EPPING FOREST AND COUNTY OF ESSEX NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. I.—Is Vanessa Polychloros the prototype of V. Urticae? A Query suggested by the Aberrant Form of a speci- men of V. Urticae of Polychloros type. By William White. [Read February 26th, 1881.] The caterpillar of the Vanessa exhibited was taken at Highgate-Hill in 1879, included in the larval "web" of a community of Urticae, and was reared throughout its existence with the rest of the brood entirely upon nettle (Urtica). During the larval stage there was nothing notice- able in its appearance to distinguish it in any way from its companions. In the chrysalis form it bore the specific characters of Urticae as regards its angular projections and general contour, but the colours were somewhat richer in VOL. II.