14 The Evolution of Fruits. and the gourds, through the berries of Ribes to the Cacti and through Lythraceae to Melastomaceae and Myrtaceae, which latter order includes the pomegranate and the Brazil-nut. The Bicarpellatae only have more than two carpels in the case of the three primitive orders, Cornaceae, Araliaceae, and Caprifoliaceae; but in these cases the fruit is as essentially a cremocarp as in the Umbellifera. This is reduced in the Valerianaceae to the cypsele of the Dipsaceae, Calyceraceae, and Compositae, which, though one-chambered and one-seeded, is essentially bi-carpellate, as is also the olive, the fruits of the Gentianaceae, the "carcerule" of the Borraginaceae, and Labiata; and the varying capsules and "nuculanes" of Scrophulariaceae and Solanaceae. These affinities are shown by the tentative pedigrees, which are shown in the accompanying table.