the Larvae of the Noctuae. 27 peculiarity of looping up the back when in motion; "this habit is lost after the first moult. (First Annual Report, 1869, pp. 73, 74.) Leucania unipuncta, Haworth (the "army worm," = L. extranea, Guenee). Newly hatched larva has "two front pair of prolegs atrophied, so as to necessitate looping in motion." Still geometriform in second stage. In third stage looping habit lost, "but the front prolegs are still somewhat the smallest." In the fourth stage the claspers are of nearly equal size, and in the sixth stage the front claspers are said to be, if anything, longer than the hind ones. (Eighth Annual Report, 1876, pp. 184, 185.) Leucania albilinea, Guenee. Newly hatched larva "quite a looper, the prolegs or joints 6 and 7 being still more atro- phied, and those on joint 8 being short."5 Looping habit lost in second stage. (Ninth Annual Report, 1877, pp. 53 and 56.) All these facts point to the conclusion that the Nocture have been derived from geometriform ancestors, so that this group is phyletically younger, i.e., has made a further ad- vance in the development than the Geometrae. The geome- triform sections of the Nocture are thus the more closely related to the Geometrae, and, as already insisted upon by Mr. Lockyer in the note referred to,6 should therefore follow this last group, as in Stainton's list. The higher groups of Bombyciform Nocture (Thyatira) approach the Pseudo-Bom- byces in the attitude assumed by the larva when at rest, as well as in the characters of the imago. If, therefore, the Psychidae be referred to the Tineina, the following arrange- ment appears to me to best represent the existing state of our knowledge, although, of course, further investigations of larval ontogeny may lead to other modifications:— 5 The author does not consider the head as the first segment, so that segments 6, 7, and 8 correspond with segments 7, 8, and 9 of English entomologists. 6 Mr. Lockyer draws the conclusion that the Geometrae are "undeveloped Noctuae" an expression which appears to me misleading, as it implies that the existing Geometrae; are in course of transformation into Noctuae.