28 Developmental Characters of Larva of Noctua. Bombicidae, (Including Endromidae and DREPANULIDAE. Saturniidae.) PSEUDO-BOMBYCES. NOCTUAE. Trifidae. Quadrifidae. GEOMETEAE. DELTOIDES. &c. The Cochliopodidae appear to be most naturally placed between the Hepialidae, and Nolidae. The natural affinities of the AEgeriidae have been discussed by Mr. A. G. Butler (see Trans. Ent. Soc, 1878, p. 121), who comes to the conclusion that their true position is "after the Pyrales, and before the Gelechiidae." The affinities of the Cymatophoridae with the Tortrices may have to be expressed by the removal of this family from its present position, but more evidence on this head is required. Mr. Butler's proposed distribution of the species hitherto referred to the genus Acronycta among the Arctiidae, Liparidae, Notodontidae, and Noctua, will be found in the paper referred to in Note 2. The remarks which I have offered in this paper will, I hope, secure the restoration of the older method of arrange- ment in our cabinets, and at the same time lead to further work in the promising field of the comparative ontogeny of larvae.