50 Infusoria: What are they ? the student of Infusoria is undoubtedly furnished hy weed- grown ponds. From these he may always expect to reap an abundant harvest. Fragments of the weeds, more particularly the finely divided varieties, such as Myriophyllum, Ranunculus, and the rootlets of Duckweed (Lemna), should be placed in a bottle and examined carefully for colony-stocks of the "Trumpet" and "Bell" animalcules, which may be easily detected with the assistance of a pocket lens, and may even be recognised as flocculent growths upon these plants with the unaided vision. Many of the free Ciliata, when abun- dantly developed, will also be rendered visible as glistening specks progressing through the water with that peculiar locomotive action distinctive of its kind. Excepting in the case of the social Euglena, and a few other types, whose presence, as already mentioned, lends a distinct coloration to the water, the collection of the Flagellata is pre-eminently an act of faith, and not of sight. Notwithstanding that the weeds gathered may appear to the unassisted eye, or even as examined with the pocket lens, completely barren, they may on submission to the higher powers of the microscope be found to be teeming with flagelliferous types. The collector, moreover, should be advised not to immediately throw away what appears on a preliminary investigation to be an unpro- ductive gathering. Such gatherings often contain an abun- dance of latent germs, which after an interval of a few days develop luxuriantly on the surface of the plants, or on the sides of the receptacle that contains them. Two of the first and most remarkable flagellate types yet met with, Rhipido- dendron Huxleyi and Spongomonas sacculus, as delineated in the exhibited plates ('Manual of the Infusoria,' pl. xvi., figs. 4-9, and pl. xii., figs. 17-23), were thus obtained fortuitously by myself from bog water collected on Dartmoor, and which, as gathered and submitted to preliminary examination, be- trayed no trace of abnormal infusorial life. Within a few days, however, little rust-red patches made their appearance upon the sides of the bottle, and developed within a brief interval into the colony-stocks, represented in the plates submitted; these were not only distinctly visible to the