60 Report on the excavation of the Earthwork foot of the interior slope at s, as wide as you please, say ten feet, digging down to t, v, so as to be well below the old surface line g, l, z, which in your soil will probably only be marked by a little white decayed matter representing the old turf. Whatever is found in the body of the rampart, a, m, n, l, and especially on the old surface line a, l, must be of the date of the construction of the camp or earlier; but things found in the silting of the interior slope, m, g, a, may be of various dates subsequent to the construction of the camp, the age of an object thus found depending upon its proximity to the old foot of the interior slope a. This is a very important point to notice, as any mistake between the body of the rampart and the silting would give an entirely false idea of the date. "In like manner the ditch should be dug in spits down from the top. What is found in the upper spit is quite recent; the second spit older; and things of the date of the camp will be found only in the bottom spit. ''It will be found that the point i, marking the present centre of the bottom of the ditch, is always to the outside of the old bottom, k,—perhaps 3 or 4 feet, according to circumstances, but always outside,—more silting having gone from the rampart into the ditch than into the interior. I have had sometimes to dig down as much as 3 feet below g before finding the old surface line. The old surface in this place must have been very uneven at the time the rampart was made." Fig. 2, Plate IV., is a section, by Mr. D'Oyley, through the centre of the cutting at Ambresbury Banks, showing the seams in the rampart and ditch, and the position of each object found. As the position of the objects in a vertical plane is all that is necessary to take notice of, everything is projected in this section. Each object as it was found was numbered, put into a small pill-box, ticketed on the spot, and marked on the section. At the conclusion of the exca- vations the entire collection was sent up to me for comparison with similar objects found in the ramparts of other camps. The following were the objects found :— No. 1. An outside flint flake with bulb of percussion, and