66 Report on the excavation of the Earthwork sea-shore, whereas at Ambresbury they were probably obtained from Tertiary deposits close by. This independent observation, however, confirms the impression that slings were in common use by the defenders of these camps. In conclusion I have only to add that, although at the request of the Council I have written the paper from the materials which have been furnished to me, it is to those gentlemen who have so diligently conducted the explorations the credit of this investigation is due: to Mr. Meldola, with whom the investigation originated; to Mr. W. Cole, the Honorary Secretary, by whom all the arrangements have been made; and more particularly to Mr. D'Oyley, the Honorary Surveyor to the Club—to whose excellent plans and sections on this no less than on former occasions the Society is indebted for the means of recording with accuracy the result of its labours. To these gentlemen my acknow- ledgments are due, not only as an honorary member of the Society for their contributions towards the matter in hand, but in a special manner for their courtesy to me in supplying the data and correcting the omissions which this paper may have contained. If I am asked whether I consider the results of the investi- gation are conclusive, I can only reply that, within certain limits, the age of the entrenchment appears to have been fixed. I have on other occasions found it necessary to make three or four cuttings into the ramparts before satisfactory results could be obtained. If it be the wish of the Essex Field Club to settle the question whether the camp, being a British one, was erected before or after the Roman Conquest, further excavations can alone decide the point; but I think the Committee of Exploration may fairly be congratulated upon having, with the slender means at their disposal, achieved so much, having solved by means of a single section a large portion of the problem which has exercised the best wits of the neighbourhood from the days of Camden to our own time. [As the excavated soil was removed it was carried to a spot a few yards from the scene of operations, and there