known as Ambresbury Banks, Epping Forest. 07 "clamped" for measurement. The desiccating action of the atmosphere soon rendered it friable, and as the clayey agglutinated lumps broke up, objects previously hidden in masses of earth could be more readily detected. Consequently, in the operations of carrying back the soil to the ramparts, the workmen lighted upon several pieces of broken pottery and two or three flint flakes, which were faithfully preserved and given into Keeper Butt's care, and by him duly handed to the Hon. Secretary. In this collection there are four or five pieces of pot of considerable size, as well as several smaller fragments, all presenting characters similar to the specimens enumerated in General Pitt-Rivers's Report. The larger shards may be thus described :— a. Piece of Pottery irregularly triangular in shape, with a slight curvature inwards; about 2.75 in. long, by 1.7 in. wide, and 0.45 in. thick. Brick-red for about one-third of its thickness on the convex or outside, and very superficially so on the concave side, where the colour is not so rich and the surface probably less fired. Interior substance blackish brown, coarse in texture, with small angular fragments of pebble intermixed. Apparently a fragment of a vessel of considerable size. b. Irregularly-shaped piece of pot, about 2.4 in. from corner to corner, by 2 in. broad, and 0.4 in. thick, with a slight curvature towards the inner or less-fired surface. Colour and texture in all respects like "a." On the convex surface are to be noted a few almost obsolete striations, similar to the markings referred to by General Pitt-Rivers in his description of No. 7 (page 61). c. Small rimmed pot-shard, 1.2 in. by 0.8 in., about 0.40 in. thick at the rim, and about 0.25 in. at the thinner part. The rim is sloped-off towards the outside at an angle of about 45°. The colour is black throughout, except on the outer surface, where a very superficial brown-red tinge obtains. Texture somewhat harder than "a" and "b," and very different in character. Small fragments of quartz and grains of whitish pebble are abundantly intermixed. d. Small fragment, 1.2 in. by 0.85 in., and 0.4 in. thick- Colour and texture similar to "a" and "b."