68 Excavation of Earthwork, Ambresbury Banks. Various very small fragments like "a" and "b," and one corresponding in texture with "e," were found with the above. Two flakes may be recorded—one (e) of light-coloured flint, with indistinct bulb of percussion and three facets; the other (f) of darker flint, with good bulb and four facets : both specimens are about 1.5 in. long, and abruptly truncated at the end where the flaking-blow had been given. It is much to be regretted that these specimens were not found in situ, so that their exact positions could have been marked upon the section; but it is almost certain that they came from well within the body of the rampart, judging from the positions in which they were discovered in the "clamped" excavated soil. The Editor has therefore thought well to describe them here, as they appear to afford valuable confirmatory evidence of the results obtained during the actual excavations.—Ed.]