84 On the Origin and Distribution of the British Flora. Cambridgeshire border, and flows eastward to Wixoe, where it begins to form the boundary between Suffolk and Essex. Its drainage-area is variously stated at 430 or 407 square miles, most of which is in Suffolk, and its length as 45 or 55 miles : probably the smaller number is the true one in each case. Its chief tributaries are the Suffolk rivers, Brett, Boxford, and Orwell, but from Essex it receives four small streams: one above Sudbury, from Ovingten, Wickham St. Paul, and Belchamp Water; another below Bures, from Pebmarsh; a third at Neyland, from West Wood Green; and, below Langham, one from Boxted Heath. In the seventh and last sub-province, the Brook rises between Debden and Ugley, and flows northward, receiving the water from Debden Lake, through Quendon, Newport (where it receives a stream from Arkesdon), Wendon (where it receives another, also on its left bank, from Chishall and Wendon Lofts), and Audley End, where it receives the Slade, to Chesterford, where it leaves the county. The Slade rises between Hadstock and Little Chesterford, and flows under the town of Saffron Walden. The Brook is a tributary of the Cam or Granta, and is spoken of by both these names. Probably Granta is merely a scholastic form of the name Cam, as Isis has been coined at the sister University. The main stream of the Cam rising in North Hertfordshire is sometimes termed the Rhee. The question as to which of these sources and streams is the main river is, like that between the Churn and the Thames Head Brook, one of no real importance or possible solution. Such being the prin- cipal watercourses of the county, my sub-provinces depend upon their watersheds, as follows :— Sub-province 1—Lea and Stort. From 7, by line from Little Chishall to Langley, Rickling, Ugley, and Henham- on-the-Hill ; from 2 and 4, by this line continued to Broxted, Little Canfield, White Roding, High Laver, North Weald, Epping, High Beach, Walthamstow, Wanstead, East Ham, and North Woolwich. Sub-province 2—Roding and Small Thames affluents. From 4, by line from Broxted, through Easton Park to High Easter,