On the Origin and Distribution of the British Florii. 85 Good Easter, Shellow Bowells, Stondon Massey, Navestock, South Weald, Brentwood, and Thorndon Hall; and from 3, by this line continued to Langdon Hills, Vange, and along the high road to the river at Southend, including Canvey Island. Sub-province 3—Crouch. From 4, by a line from Heron- gate, Thorndon Hall, to Billericay, Downham Green, Hill- house, Woodham Ferrers, Norton Cold, and along 'the high road to St. Peter's Church, Bradwell. Sub-province 4—Blackwater. From 7, by a line from Henham-on-the-Hill to Debden and the county boundary near Cut Bush, Ashdon. From 5 and 6, by a line from Bumpstead to Weathersfield, High Garret, Marks Hall, Little Tey, Messing, Inworth, Primrose Hill, Tolleshunt Knights, Hyde Farm, Great and Little Wigborough, Sub-province 5—Colne. From 6, by a line from Broad Green, Bumpstead, to Ridgwell, Little Yeldham, Crouch House, Catley Green, Garlands, Counters Cross, Highfield, West Wood Green, Ardleigh, Bradfield House, Wicks Cross, Stone Cross, and Great Oakley. Sub-province 6—Stour, and Sub-province 7—Brook, are thus already defined. As compared with Mr. Gibson's divisions, my sub-province 1 comes in his 1, 3, and 4; my 2 in his 1 (very little), 3, 4, and 5; my 3 in his 5 and 6 ; my 4 in his 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7; my 5 in his 1 (very little), 2, 7, and 8; my 6 in his 1, 2, and 8; and my 7 entirely in his 1. Thus, making another much urged alteration, viz., substi- tuting abbreviated names for initials, Mr. Gibson's localities for Clematis Vitalba will run, when re-arranged, as follows:— 1 ?—2. Little Warley, Hind. Tilbury, Newb. Southend, Ibbot. Romford, Ibbot.—3. Rochford, Ibbot.—4. Chelmsford, Broomfield, Boreham, Pigg. Kelvedon, Rivenhall, Varen. Maldon, Ibbot.—5. Halstead, Bent. Copford, Bab. Col- chester, Gant.—6 ?—7. Common in the Walden district, Gibs. To recast the whole of this valuable work in the manner thus proposed would be a labour of considerable difficulty.