114 The Galls of Essex; a Contribution to a necessary it is to keep each species of gall separate, as it will greatly assist him in his studies until he is conversant with the gall-makers, their inquilines and parasites. How large is the subject will be seen when I mention that the late Francis Walker bred 54 species of insects from the well- known "oak-apple" (gall of A. terminalis)26; and so with our now commonest oak-gall—the Devonshire or marble gall of Cynips Kollari. Up to 1872 but two extra lodgers other than the legitimate inhabitants of this gall were known. In two recent articles27 I have been able to identify 75 Hymenoptera, 12 Lepidoptera, 13 Coleoptera, 1 Orthopteron, and 2 Neurop- tera, in all 103 species ; the whole bred from the small world of a C. Kollari gall, and still I believe these various tenancies are far from exhausted. The cycle of life in the gall-making Cynipidae forms a sub- ject of the greatest biological interest. The older authors were generally astonished, and expressed their inability to find a satisfactory explanation ; and it was not until some fifty years since that the various methods of reproduction received that scientific treatment which they deserved. The Cynipidae and Aphididae amongst the hexapods divided the interest in being the highest exponents of the various processes of non-sexual reproduction. Professor Owen, who is still amongst us, was the first to employ the term "parthenogenesis "28; Professor Huxley29 made some most important researches on the life- history of the Aphididae ; von Siebold30 (who also is still with us) and Hartig31 (who went over to the majority but last year) on the Cynipidae. The theories of non-sexual 26 'Zoologist' iv., p. 1454 (1846). 27 'Entomologist' xii. 113 (May, 1879); xiii. 252 (November, 1880). 28 'On Parthenogenesis, or the successive production of procreating indi- viduals from a single ovum.' London, 1849. Consult Felix Plateau's 'Etudes sur la Parthenogenese,' Gand. 1868. 29 "On the agamic reproduction and morphology of Aphis." 'Trans. Linn. Soc.,' vol. xxii., pp. 193—236, pl. 36—40 (1858). 30 Germar's 'Zeitschrift fur die Entomologie,' vol. iv., pp. 379—381 (1843). 31 Germar's 'Zeitschrift fur die Entomologie,' vol. iii., pp. 322—329 (1842); vol. iv., pp. 396—400 (1843).