List of the Insect Fauna of the County. 119 connected with their reproduction and whole life cycle were first studied in this country by Newport and Huxley, and at the present time M. J. Lichtenstein is so patiently and suc- cessfully tracing some of the Aphides through their various stages of development (which is so abnormal that he has had to employ a peculiar nomenclature of his own to distinguish the seven buddings or pseudo-births in certain genera) that I am sure the members of the Club would welcome a resume of his researches, but I can now only refer them to Mr. Buckton's three beautiful volumes, recently published by the Ray Society,41 and to Courchet's memoir42 before alluded to. There are several species of Trioza, a genus of Psyllidae (Homoptera), which cause swellings and rollings of leaves, especially of several Composite ; but the only gall-making species yet noted as British is T. Walkeri, Forst., whose larva lives in the deformed leaves of buckthorn. The common terminal globularly-swollen leaves of box, so well figured by Reaumur, in which the larvae of Psylla Buxi live, can hardly be called a gall. Both the Coleoptera and Lepidoptera contain a few gall- producing species. The common cabbage and other cruci- ferous root-galls are familiar examples of the former, and the knot-grass (Polygonum) pod-gall43 of Asychna aeratella, and Laverna decorella, whose larvae produce swellings in the stems of various species of Epilobium, are the only British exponents of the latter. Further than their departure of habits from other members of their groups, and their special bearing on the various problems connected with gall-growth generally, they afford no peculiar interest from our present point of view, and they will doubtless receive more attention when the coleopterous or lepidopterous fauna of our county is under consideration. 41 'Monograph of the British Aphides,' by George Bowdler Buckton, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.C.S., &c. London : Printed for the Ray Society. Vols. i.—iii. (1876—1881). 42 "Etudes sur les galles causees par les Aphidiens" par L. Courchet (Montpellier, 1879). Compare reference on p. 111. 43 'Entomologists' Weekly Intelligencer,' v. 81 (Dec. 11, 1858).