List of the Insect Fauna of the County. 123 sedge. In this manner a kind of boat is formed for the protection of the colony. In the autumn the Aphis reverts to the Caryophyllacea." Tiliaceae. Tilia Europaea, L. Twig. A round, hard, generally red, swelling of about the size of a pea on the young twigs, more especially on those growing from the roots or base of the trunk. The gall is unilocular, and the larva pupates within it. Sciara Tilicola, H. Loew. Papilionaceae. Sarothamnus scoparius, Winim. Twig. Black, elongate, bud-shaped galls on the upper twigs; several on one twig. The larvae pupate within the gall. Asphondylia Sarothamni, H. Loew. Trifolium repens, L. Leaf. The leaflet is folded longitudinally and thickened, often lighter in colour, around the midrib. The larva quits the leaf and pupates in the earth. Cecidomyia Trifolii, P. Low. (Fig. 3). Lotus corniculatus, L. Flower. The flower is much enlarged, and does not open, also much greener in colour. The larva pupates in the earth. Diplosis Loti, De Geer Fig. 3. Cecidomyia Trifolii. Rosaceae. Prunus communis, Huds. (spinosa, Eng. Bot.). Leaf. The leaf is thickened and formed into a pouch or purse, with the midrib for its hinge; mostly red in colour. The orange larvae pupate in the ground. I have bred many specimens of the gnat. Cecidomyia Pruni, Kaltenbach (un- described ).